Thursday, June 28, 2012

Yellowstone Geysers and Hot Springs

We spent June 25th through June 27th exploring Yellowstone National Park. The most interesting features on the south and west sides of the park were the geysers, steam vents, mud pots, and hot springs. There is a very large caldera (sunken-in volcano) in Yellowstone. As a result, the earth's crust is thin in this region and the magma is close to the surface. Water in crevices beneath the earth's surface becomes super-heated and bubbles or sprays up to the surface through vents, geysers, or into hot pools of mud or water.
The famous Old Faithful geyser:

Hot springs in the Norris Basin:

The high sulfur content causes a bit of an odor, but we still enjoyed exploring some of these interesting and colorful features... :) Connie

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