Friday, June 1, 2012

Desert Sledding

Yesterday we drove from Carlsbad to Las Cruces. Along the way, we stopped at White Sands National Monument. It's a beautiful desert park with hundreds of square miles of pristine white sand dunes (made of gypsum).
We went on a nature walk on the perimeter of the sand dunes and saw a rattlesnake (no picture... he was under a bush about 30 feet away) and a "bleached lizard".
After that we climbed the dunes to look around...
Then we went sand sledding! We waxed the bottoms of our sleds for a smooth ride down the dunes and took turns sliding down the dunes. We couldn't do that for too long, though... it was REALLY hot and it's a lot of work to slog back up the hill through the deep sand.
:) Connie

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