Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tioga Sightings! (part 3)

I have succeeded in capturing more photographs of the rare and elusive Tioga! I know that you will be overjoyed and awed by these exciting glimpses of the Tioga in its natural environment! Here the Tioga is sighted from a distance in a Dam parking lot (the Glenn Canyon Dam to be precise):

In the following shot, I have captured an image of parasites infesting the Tioga! I believe the parasites may have a symbiotic relationship with the Tioga. I will study this phenomenon further to determine if this is indeed the case! Fascinating!

Here I have managed to capture a photograph of the Tioga feeding at a watering hole! Note the other local creatures clustered around the Tioga...

The Tioga has been attacked! A (very attractive) human creature has disabled the Tioga! Hopefully the AAA will have mercy on the poor Tioga and restore it to health once again.

Fear not my loyal readers, the Tioga appears to have regained its stride and here can be seen exploring the desolate deserts of the Dinosaur National Monument.

Stay tuned for more excitement as I continue my quest to follow and document the wonderings of the wild and wonderful Tioga! - James Bossert, field photographer, JRTB News Channel 1

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