Thursday, July 26, 2012

NYC, July 24

We took the train into the city on Tuesday morning and stayed overnight into Wednesday. Chris and his girls went with us for the first day (they were very helpful in teaching us to navigate the city via subway). After depositing our bags at our hotel we headed to the waterfront and tried some *delicious* "pretzel croissants".

We were near the site of the 9/11 tragedy. In the photo below, there is a piece of artwork (formerly a perfect sphere) that used to stand in front of the World Trade Center towers. In the background you can see the two new towers being built. It was really emotional to be there.

Then we took the Staten Island ferry across the water and back, giving us some great views of the city and the Statue of Liberty.

Afterwards, we headed to the Metropolitan Museum of art, where they had a fantastic gallery of artifacts and artwork from ancient Egypt... mummies, marble statues, hieroglyphics, etc.

:) Connie

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