Monday, August 6, 2012

Home! :)

We've arrived safely home! :)

I think we all have mixed feelings... somewhat disappointed that our adventure is over, relieved to be home, overwhelmed at the giant to-do list and responsibilities that await us (school, work, etc), thankful for the many blessings that we are coming home to, looking forward to seeing friends and family, etc!

Some interesting trip tallies:

Days: 74
States visited: 26
Countries visited: 2
Junior ranger badges earned by each girl: 19
Miles driven: 10,080
Flat tires: 2
Dead batteries: 1
Accidents: 0 (yay!)
Messages on home phone answering machine: 21

Looking back, it's been an amazing and wonderful adventure. We've seen, done, and learned much more than any of us had anticipated. We feel greatly enriched by these great experiences and are so thankful that we had this opportunity to explore our great country.

And it leaves just one question... "What's next?"

:) Connie

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